
Navanter Personality

Style Instrument - NPSI™

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About the personality assessment

The Navanter Personality Style Instrument is a tool to help you understand your behaviour and feelings in different situations, based on the work of Hippocrates nearly 2,500 years ago.

Hippocrates (460-370 BC) was a Greek philosopher, and was the first person to record different personality styles which he observed in the world around him. He gave them different names in those days (it was over 2,000 years ago – fashions change!) but his observations were startlingly correct, and are still used today in many personality assessments. Hippocrates called the four types:

At Navanter, we've updated Hippocrates' terminology to:

His work was re-visited by more modern philosophers such as Immanuel Kant, who, along with others, built on Hippocrates’ work. These experts then decided that most people are a blend of these 4 styles, but that many have a dominant style. Whether you have an equal mix or a dominant style, knowing the theory helps you understand yourself, others, and your relationships with them. It also helps you to understand your motivators, strengths, and weaknesses, so that you can become more balanced in your life.

How to complete the personality type form

On this form, are 20 questions – score each response in the boxes below as follows:

  • Most likely response, score 6
  • Next most likely response, score 3
  • Next most likely response, score 1
  • Least likely response, score 0

So, it's important that each question add up to 10 points in total. Don't forget to check your maths as you go!

When viewing your results, remember that everyone is a blend of all the styles, and is able to react in all the ways described. Your dominant style is the one with the highest score. If the scores are less than 2% apart, consider both of these to be dominant styles.

Required information (view our privacy policy)
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Optional information - feel free to leave these blank, but the information would be useful to us in our ongoing research
Job title

Q1: When conversing with others, I prefer to...
Look them directly in the eye in an assertive manner
Have good eye contact, but the ability to look around sometimes for inspiration
Have occasional eye contact so I can gauge how the other person feels about what I've said
Mostly avoid eye contact

Q2: I tend to gravitate towards people who...
Are reflective and thoughtful
Are friendly and considerate
Can get things done effectively
Are fun and exciting

Q3: When arriving at work in the morning, I tend to...
Find an excuse to talk about my evening/weekend
Say a quick "hello" to the whole team then get on with achieving things
Say a brief hello to those sitting directly next to me then quietly begin my work for the day
Ask others how they are

Q4: When decisions get made, I'm most comfortable...
Having others make the decisions, then help to ensure that decision works out
Analysing the situation before committing to any course of action
Getting others on side before communicating my decision
Making the decision and having others follow my recommendation

Q5: I get most satisfaction from...
Being an important part of a team
Producing high-quality work on my own
Helping others to succeed
Achieving a goal

Q6: When making a new acquaintance, I...
Feel it's important that they like me
Like to build rapport quickly and make the relationship gel
Try to see how I can benefit from our relationship
Tend to be cautious until I know them enough to trust them

Q7: When walking somewhere, I...
Walk quickly with a spring in my step
Take my time and enjoy the journey
Walk slowly and evenly
Go straight there, quickly

Q8: When trying to convince someone to my way of thinking, I...
Remain composed and use logic to change someone's mind
Use my naturally ability to be persuasive and create new ideas
Put myself in the other person's shoes first
Find things we agree on to establish a basis for moving forward

Q9: When speaking in public, I...
Use variation of pitch and speed to create drama
Tend to speak quietly and slowly
Speak loudly
Speak with clarity but not loudly

Q10: When listening to others, I...
Focus on the main point
Look for facts and evidence
Try to understand how they feel
Enjoy a good story

Q11: When working on a longer task, I tend to...
Get distracted easily and struggle to stay motivated
Try and finish it quickly to move onto something else
Plan how I will complete it and work through it methodically
Quietly get on with it and look for input from others to help pass the time

Q12: I tend to prefer...
Guidelines and structure
Challenges and risks
Making personal connections with others
Finding new ways of doing things

Q13: When I see someone I know, I...
Say "hello" without physical contact
Shake their hand firmly
Shake their hand enthusiastically
Hug them

Q14: When in a meeting, I prefer to...
Share ideas between all participants
Have more of a workshop where I lead a discussion
Observe what's going on and add value from my expertise when appropriate
Be the chairperson and control the direction

Q15: I get irritated when others are...
Vague and generalistic
Too quick to act, and taking risks
Blinkered to only one viewpoint or option
Inconsiderate of how others feel about something

Q16: When in a group, I tend to be the one who...
Takes control and directs others
Is the quiet one who ensures things are done properly
Is the helpful one who people generally like
Is the "life and soul" of the group and brings humour to any situation

Q17: I like to work where my personal space has...
Indications of my success, such as trophies, awards and positive graphs
Order and systems to find what I need quickly and easily
Personal items and photos, along with things others might find useful, such as sweets, tissues, and the office stapler
An "individual" feel, which to others might look rather chaotic!

Q18: I like to be seen as...
Enthusiastic and interesting
Supportive of others
Reliable and intellectual
Practical and effective

Q19: When opening a conversation with someone, I...
Set a brief agenda
Ask them how they are
Get straight to the point
Share my opinion as a story to help them see things from my point of view

Q20: When I'm trying to get what I want, I...
Persuade others using my natural style
Help the other person to see why it's important
Try to make the other person understand how I feel
Communicate a strong argument for my case

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